Cabaret with AMT 2023


Altadena Music Theatre’s critically acclaimed production of Cabaret was excellent—moving and thought-provoking, with great music, direction, and choreography, beautiful costumes, sets, and tech, and triple-threat actors who were incredibly talented and nuanced in their performances. And the orchestra was fantastic! Getting to be a part of this show was absolutely wonderful.

The Cabaret cast with band members and some of our incredible production team!

PC: Ezra Spurrier

The Cabaret band! Bryce Schmidt on trumpet, Eddy Barco on drums, Carlo Bonelli on trombone, Gennie Chang on keys, me on bass, JP Mora on reeds, and our awesome MD Chris Wade on keys! Not pictured: Hannah Yi on keys and subs Andrew Rodman on trumpet and Audrey Bean on bass.

PC: Ezra Martinez

My fan art for this show, with many thanks to Ezra Spurrier and Abel Armas for most of the photos that I drew on for this project!


Gallery of images from the show!

Images are courtesy of Altadena Music Theatre, Ezra Spurrier, and Abel Armas.

Gallery of backstage images from the show!